Between the Lines
Between the Lines - Broadcast Pack Pro 18943715 Videohive - Free Download After Effects Templates
After Effects CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2016, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6 | No plugins | 1920x1080 | 300 MB
Main features:
Works on After Effects CS6 and newest.
Full HD (1920×1080) – 30 FPS.
No plugins needed.
More than 36 useful utilities.
30 social icons included free to use!
100% After Effects project.
Very fast to render.
Stretchable time: you can change easily duration of most the utilities.
Dynamic roundness of all graphics.
You can choose make all renders with transparency to put your videos later.
Universal – Works in all language versions.
You can edit all with 14 main controllers.
Also you have more controls in the editable compositions.
5 Video tutorials included.
Load your logotype and isologo once and choose colors for all utilities.
Very organized project.
EFFECTS VIDEOHIVE افتر افکت دانلود افترافکت جی اف ایکس دانلود جی اف ایکس دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود پروژه آماده افتر افکت دانلود فایل افترافکت سایت افترافکت ویدیو هایو'